Saturday, December 26, 2009

How Flying Will Suck Even More

So now this crazy bastard from Nigeria creates headaches for the rest of us, just in time for the post-holiday airport rush. What a humbug. Among some of the new hassles mentioned in the above report are extra pat downs, more restrictions on carry on permissions, and a new rule that keeps passengers in their seats for the last hour of the flight, no matter what the conditions. I suppose I understand why this has to be after what that loser tried to pull, but it doesn't chafe me any less. Air travel was already no joy as it was.

One of the possible new restrictions mentioned last night on CNN is the outlawing of snow globe souvenirs in carry on baggage. As it happens, KK keeps a pretty impressive snow globe collection, largely made up of gifts I have brought her from the various countries and cities I have visited. It's one of our things. Now this harmless and cute hobby between an aunt and her niece is imperiled. The day a terrorist uses a snow globe as an object of blunt force trauma, humanity has really lost its way.

I think I am switching to Amtrak, at least for domestic travel. It's very freeing and the only real way to see the landscape.

Will the new rules and regulations affect the way YOU travel?


  1. We certainly felt the effects of this yahoo on our return flight from Buffalo to Chicago. At the Buffalo airport we had to pass by two uniformed immigration officials who asked us our citizenship before we could go through security processing. I thought it was a novel addition to what Finch calls the "safety dance".

  2. KK will not be happy if your next adventure does not culminate in the gift of globe. What, they expect you to put your delicate souveniers in the hands of those brutes who toss your luggage around like rag dolls? I think NOT!
