Monday, February 16, 2009

For better or worse

With all of the challenges my hubby and I had to deal with this past week (F-ing lice infestation and a sick Rosebud) its hard to see the upside of things. Especially when you can't really see much of anything past the mountain of laundry. But my '09 Jen-olution (the term 'resuloution' is overused and has no meaning, ok?) is to have better stress management. Oh, and to cut the bullsh!t and b!tches out of my life. That one I have been good at. The former, did okay until last week. But I digress....

This Sunday I will celebrate 6 years of marriage with the hubby and, for better or worse, we are best friends. We have been through it, trust me. And thinking of the fact that I have him in my life to get me through these louse-y times (get it?) makes it all bearable. I wish I could have kept that in mind when I had one of my multiple meltdowns this week over the buggers/sickies. Hey, sometimes it all gets the best of you. No one is perfect. He truely is the greatest person I have ever met, and lucky me for being able to call him mine. I wanted you all to know that he is amazing. Anyone who knows him is well aware of that fact. But for those of you who don't, eat your heart out!!!


  1. Hi,
    Nice to read about a woman who loves her husband!
    My wife & I feel the same way. We love your husband,too! (Ha,ha)...We have been happily married 26 years. She is my best friend and we STILL enjoy each other's company.
    Happy Anniversary,

  2. I pray everyday that he and I will grow old together. We got married pretty young so my dream is to see the big 5-0!!!

  3. Hey wait a minute! Who said anything about "old"?!? Yes,I too like 5-0.I bought the first season of that show on DVD. See my page for a picture of Elvis with Steve McGarret(Hawaii 5-0)!
