Thursday, February 11, 2010

Wow, John Mayer, Just Wow

A few weeks back, my co-worker Lora and I took a little break from the grind to play a game. It was called "What celebrity would you like to have hit on you, just for the joy of being able to turn him down?" Lora's choice was Brad Pitt, a controversial one for certain, and largely driven by the ugly beard he was sporting that he has since shaved off.

My pick was instantaneous and for me, way too easy: John Mayer. For years I have watched this slutty egomaniac get famous for too many things besides his music - like his sidewalk press conferences, endless Twittering and the stream of hot Hollywood babes he has banged, and then had the class to report about. Never will I understand what some of these impressive women saw in this fleabag (et tu Jennifer Aniston - twice?!). Incidentally, I might also mention that I hate his music. He may be a fine guitar player, but his singing voice sounds like a small barnyard animal in heat.

So it's clear I do not like the guy and would love to personally give his ego a check if the opportunity presents itself. But it seems Mayer himself has beaten me to the punch. Have you folks seen this? I could paraphrase, but it packs a greater wallop to read the disgustingness first hand:

If I had any respect left for Mayer, I do believe this would have finished it off. Is there anyone out there who will admit to being a Mayer fan? If so, what do you make of this seeming attempt to self-destruct?


  1. His body is a wonderla...

    Na, I can't do it. Too easy.

  2. It's kind of funny because John Mayer was a White pop-star who had a reasonable amount of "street-credibility", largely in part because Mayer's work with Kanye and Dave Chappelle. Mayer always struck me as someone who thinks he is smarter than everyone else, and in my experience, those types of people are prone to say the stupidest things. My bottomline is that he said something stupid and offensive and he has to deal with it. While I don't think he will go the route of Michael Richards, I think some time in the popularity penalty box is well-deserved and maybe would do him some good.

  3. For what it's worth, his response to mitigate the backlash and fallout has been pretty commendable. Relatively speaking, at least. As he said, there is no rehab for being an asshole. Gotta give him credit for massaging in that egg on his face, lest he forget why he got himself in that predicament in the first place.
