Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Where did I go wrong?

I often make the joke that its a good thing that my kids are cute, otherwise I would get rid of them for some of the antics they pull. Isn't that, after all, why newborns come into the world all soft and snugly and warm? Because, honestly, no one would wake up 5 times every night to feed and soothe a smelly, rough-as-sandpaper, distant, grump. But today Rosebud said something that left me speechless and wondering "Where did I go wrong?"

The setup: Went out to breakfast with a friend. Rosebud is my constant companion on my mid-morning outings, so anyone who wants face time must accept that it comes with an unpredictable toddler. To my pleasant surprise, she was well behaved at the breakfast establishment - other than the initial fear of the man in the beard sitting across from me (she said later, in the car on the way home, "I don't like Ryan", but I digress...)

As most two year-old are prone to do, she reached her limit of sitting in the booth like a good girl and decided it might be amusing to crawl up into the window sill. That was fine when she was dangling her legs below, but when she got all the way up and attempted an escape to the booth behind me, I had to put my foot down. I sternly asked her to get down to which she replied just as stern "No! Drink your coffee!". That was accompanied by a finger point to my mug as well. Wow.

I took the not-so-subtle cue to leave before it resulted in a shame spiral to the car, all the while trying to piece together where she may have overheard that kind of talk. I am the likely suspect, as usual, when it comes to her ill-chosen language. Even my breakfast date was stunned and, of course, slightly amused. He commended me on my patience as I strapped Rosebud in the car seat and we parted ways. That's when she told me she didn't like Ryan. Isn't she sweet?

1 comment:

  1. Who is Ryan? Seriously, that Rosebud has an authoritative streak a mile long. Who would believe she's only two? Now drink your coffee!
