Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Embarassment of Riches

Those who know me know I am quite humble about what I do for a living. Part of it comes from the reality of being one of the lower most rungs in the radio personality totem pole (nothing to brag about there!) . Part of it, I recently came to realize is a feeling not unlike embarassment.

The discovery came late last week when my bro-in-law (who we all know as the Denver-travelling love of my beloved sister's life) treated me to lunch before "work". You will understand the use of quotes later. After our noshing, I offered him a tour of the studios I work out of. It was his first time ever seeing such a thing, and I gotta say the look on his face was much like that of a wide eyed child seeing an amusement park for the first time. He was in awe of all of the technology. After a turn on the green screen we huddled in my broadcast booth for a quick tutorial on all things Jennifer Roberts. Yes, I have an alias. I am that cool.

I opened up the PC, logged onto the appropriate screens and within about 5 minutes he had the rundown. See why I said quick? It only took me that short amout of time to lay out what I do. It wasn't "in a nutshell" it was the whole kit and kaboodle (who says that anymore?) and it took probably less than the aforementioned 5 minutes. He stayed for a few reports and when he asked what I did for the other 56 minutes of each hour that I wasn't actually on the air I told the truth; I search the web. That's my "work".

Surfing the web gets me up to speed on all things pop culture and often leads to topics of discussion on the air with or with out me participating. I help one of the hosts I work with find stuff to talk about. But really, I would be doing that anyway as a self-titled gossip column junkie. I felt so guilty! This man has been spending more time looking for a new job after getting laid off a few months back that I have actually spent working probably all year! That guilt led to a discussion with hubby about the guilt and the guilt I had for feeling guilty.....

The point of all of this is not to be self-indulgent..."look at poor little me with nothing to do, getting paid for it, blah blah blah" but rather to shout it out that I am L-U-C-K-Y! Not a whole lot of other folks get the chance to feel guilty about getting paid to have fun. It has been like a dirty little secret I liked to keep to myself, except now my B-I-L saw it with his own eyes and now the cat is out of the bag. In a world of bad news, its my piece of good.

1 comment:

  1. Let's not forget that you had plenty of personal struggles and dues paying to do, not to mention hard work to get to this "lucky" place you are now. Don't sell yourself short my lady. Any reward worth having took hours of pain and sacrifice to have. Eddie delights in your success and is proud to have you as a sister. He skips the whole "in law" part.
