Friday, March 6, 2009

My End or Yours?


Becky Boop: Yes and Yes

My husband has told me before that he relies on my sixth sense even more than he trusts his own logic and intellectual capacities. Scoff if you will, but Jen and I have both always believed ourselves to be a little bit psychic. If you were to ask our mother, or her mother before her, they would tell you of their own long histories of small little dreams that came to fruition, little feelings that ultimately led to major life changes, etc. Now I am not claiming that Jen and I are regular mediums who should take jobs with the police department hunting down serial killers, but I firmly believe that these inklings are real and should be trusted.

Let me give you an example of a time I ignored my instincts. In early 2007, in my giddiness at being a newly engaged woman, I agreed to give up my beautiful rented coach house in the City and move with my fiancé to a suburb near the airport. For both financial and logistical reasons at the time, this seemed to make good sense. But every fiber of my being was screaming that I would live to regret the choice, not only because as we have seen, I am the ultimate City Chick. No, my gut told me that this move would be bad for both Eddie and I, and yet I went, ready to go with any flow as far as my soon-to-be-hubby was concerned.

One year of solo isolation, a smashed car (some doofus lost control of their car in the building lot and wrecked our vehicle), a tornado, floods and several snowstorms later, it was clear that I had made a fool of my own intuition. Since relocating to the City, our luck has improved considerably, job loss or no, and I believe my karma has been corrected with doing what I should have done all along.

I have other personal reasons for putting this topic out there, and concluding that the story of my own intuition may not be fully written. Sorry to be cryptic, but this is as much as I am willing to give up right now. I don't want to jinx anything. Yes, I am one superstitious girl.

Jen of All Trades: Yes and no

I definitely agree that people tend to have a sixth sense about certain things. The saying "go with your gut" is often/over used in just about every arena: real life, movie lines, the boadroom, etc. BUT - there are a lot of idiots in the world who can't decide which cereal to eat in the morning, let alone trust their inner voice to make a major life decision.

This "gut feeling" is reserved for the logical, dare I say gifted ones who really can push aside emotion, other's opinions, or additional outside factors to have that moment of clarity that leads you to the path best choosen. With that, you also have to take into account the whole "everything happens for a reason" phrase that has become my mantra. The truth is, not every decision is a good one, but it ALWAYS leads to the next thing and the one after, etc. and somewhere down the line you get where you need to be. Without those botched scenarios that inevitably will happen, you would be at that moment where you are truly content with whatever the issue it.

In conclusion (another of the many overused lines), definitely go with your gut but know that it may not always be right. It might just be the shrimp toast you chose to have for dinner. Afterall, food poisoning is baaaad but it leads to the very wise decision to never eating at Phoenix EVER AGAIN! (4 years later, I can still remember that awful feeling....)

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