Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Back, but not better than ever

So illness has taken over mi casa, as Boop mentioned. The last three weeks have been an extreme dose of germ sharing. Now Rosebud's caretakers are falling to the wicked virus. But, thankfully, Rosebud has turned a corner and is back to begging for new episodes of Barney and Jack's Big Music Show. Which brings me to my thought for the day: TV is NOT detrimental to kids in any dose.

My almost 20-month old has learned to sing and dance and even has picked up quite a bit of vocab from watching these children's programs. If you listen to the experts, they say to limit to an hour OR LESS (!!!!!!) per day. But let's keep it real, shall we? It takes me at least an hour to take care of myself during the day (shower, get ready, nourish my own body with food and drink) and that requires someone else to occupy my daughter's attention. I don't know about you, but I cannot afford a nanny to do said entertaining, so Barney is the lucky man for the job.

What's worse: her laughing and dancing when the "Elmo's World" jingle comes on OR her climbing up and down the stairs in boredom? The latter is an accident waiting to happen, the former a cute photo op.

Let me be clear. I read to her everyday, we chase each other around the house, we have conversations, we play games. But she watches her fair share of tv too, experts be damned. It makes her happy and she learn things! You HAVE to balance it with human interaction, as I have described. Obviously. I am not an idiot. But I am a working mom being pulled in many directions and it helps to have Barney on my side.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Jen of all Trades,
    Now you really hit a sore point. My wife babysits out of our home. I have a unique work schedule,which has me at home during the week much of the time. All the Barney,Mickey Mouse & baby einstein tapes my wife plays have driven me insane.
    It gets even worse when the kids show up! (ha,that's a joke) I spend my days off inside my son's room trapped with my 2 dogs. That's why I find myself going to the movies a lot of the time. It was different when I was a kid. There was Ray Rayner,Bozo Show & of course Garfield Goose! Also,WFLD (ch.32) had a show called BJ & the Dirty Dragon. (That is NOT a JOKE,real name)
    Your too young to know those shows but check with your folks. Nothing wrong with TV. It is a great learning tool.
